Learn how and why applicants falsify utility bills and discover how to detect them.
Learn about the different types of landlord harassment and how to best protect yourself and your business.
Learn about the different laws and regulations affecting landlords and tenants in Florida.
Explore the benefits of pet screening for your leasing process and how to handle assistance animals.
Review the questions you can't ask an applicant and what you can ask instead.
Discover the best questions to ask when verifying employment for applicants and learn what to avoid.
Learn the best practices for calling renter references to make sure you are professional and ask the right questions.
Review best practices for tenant screening and learn about the laws that dictate them.
Learn what an Emotional Support Animal is and how to spot ESA fraud.
Read up on the most important landlord and tenant laws for Alabama.
Learn about the tenant move-out process and the necessary steps to set yourself up for success.
These strategies will set your property management business up for success.